Frequently asked questions
You can find a size guide assigned on each individual product page. Reach out to us at or click here to contact us if you need more help.
Everything is currently fulfilled and shipped from our Australian business in Perth, Australia.
We currently limit where we ship to due to the current world issues, you can try and check out to see if we currently ship to your address. We always ship all over Australia and New Zealand. Please see the shipping page click here for detailed shipping costs and delivery timeframes.
All orders are shipped with tracking and the details for your tracking will be emailed to you upon dispatch so you can keep an eye on it in transit.
We want you to love your items, but we also understand that it's impossible to be a perfect fit for everybody, so we’ll exchange, offer store credit, or refund* your purchase as long as you return your order within 30 days of order date. Please see the returns/refund page for full details and eligibility.
We accept payments in multiple currencies via Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Afterpay, Zip and Laybuy.
You should see the prices of items in your usual currency. The total order amount may appear in our default currency at checkout; AUD. However, don't be alarmed as it will convert to your usual currency as it will state in your bank account. This means, you will still get charged in your usual currency after payment but the website may state the dollar amount in AUD at checkout.
You’ll receive an email confirming your order has been completed, and a second email once your order has been shipped along with your tracking information.
(Contact us if you are not receiving our emails, but check your junk folder first, and add us to your safe list.)
Orders can be changed or cancelled immediately after purchase if notified urgently by emailing, but be quick, as we can be quick to get your orders shipped. If your order has been shipped, we can no longer make changes or cancel the order.
You can contact Customer Service by sending an email to or by clicking here
Only one discount code/voucher may be used per order.
You cannot redeem your discount code or voucher once it’s expired.
If your code isn’t working, please contact us at, and we would be happy to help you out.